How to Reduce Warm Up Times

As it seems like the last days of warm weather are officially behind us here in Chrome City, MD it’s time to see how to reduce the time it takes for your vehicle to warm up.  One of our first blogs, which you can read here, was making sure your vehicle was ready for the winter months.  Now that you know your vehicle will start and will be safe, lets make it more comfortable by getting you some heat!


Lets take a look at how your coolant system (which gives you heat) actually works.  The job of your engine’s coolant (aka anti-freeze) is two fold.  It’s main job is to move heat away from engine components, thus cooling down engine and maintaining a safe operating temperature.  The second job is to keep all of the components in an engine coolant system from corroding.  For today we will focus on how to improve how your coolant system transfer heat which, in turn, will reduce warm-up time.


To get a little technical here, the key to effective heat transfer is tiered surfactants.  Tiered surfactants reduces the surface tension of coolant, allowing it to have closer contact with metal parts.  As a result of this closer contact, the coolant is more efficient in transferring heat away from hot engine parts and out to the radiator.  A way to amplify this heat transfer is with a coolant booster.


While other leading coolant additives focus on only one surfactant-thus limiting their temperature ranges AMSOIL Dominator Coolant Boost utilizes three surfactants that are uniquely designed to operate in different temperature ranges.  This ability to focus on multiple temperature ranges leads to increased liquid to metal contact and as a result better heat transfer.

Graphic A shows how each surfactant in AMSOIL’s coolant boost targets a different temperature tier.  In contrast  a leading competitors’ coolant boost only focuses on one range.
Graphic B illustrates the improvement that was seen during controlled testing where AMSOIL Dominator Coolant Boost was mixed with a 50/50 coolant/water mixture.  Typically once a vehicle reaches 120°F the driver will feel  warm air coming from the vents. The typical operating temperature is 180°F in most vehicles.

As you can see through the addition of AMSOIL Dominator Coolant Boost we saw a our temperature reach 120°F 45% faster than without the coolant boost and 35% faster to 180°F.

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